What Not To Fix When Selling a House

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There are a lot of things that go into selling a house. You have to make it look presentable, find a good realtor, and hope that someone makes an offer. Fixing things before you put your house on the market can help increase your chances of getting a good offer, but there are some things you should avoid fixing. Here is what not to fix when selling a house.

1. Don’t fix minor cosmetic damage

There is no need to agonize over small cosmetic damage when selling a house. Potential buyers are focused on the big picture and won’t even notice scuffs on the walls or a small stain on the carpet. Trying to fix this type of damage can end up doing more harm than good. If you attempt to repair the damage yourself, you may not do a professional job. And if you hire someone to do the repairs, you will spend more money than necessary.

For example, let’s say you have a small stain on your carpet. You could attempt to remove the stain yourself or hire a professional cleaner. But unless the stain is very visible, it’s not worth the time and effort. The same goes for scuffs on walls or minor damage to cabinets. These are all cosmetic problems that potential buyers will overlook.

It is best to simply ignore minor cosmetic damage and focus on making sure the house is clean and in good repair. After all, potential buyers are interested in finding a home they can move into without having to do any work.

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2. Don’t fix major structural damage

When selling a house, if there is major structural damage, it is best to leave it. This damage includes problems with the foundation, roof, or electrical system. These are all expensive repairs that should be made by a professional.

Trying to fix these problems yourself will likely make them worse and will not impress potential buyers. It is important to remember that when selling a house, you are selling a home, not a fixer-upper.

For example, if there is a large crack in the foundation, it will need to be repaired by a professional. This is not a repair you can or should try to do yourself. The same goes for leaky roofs or electrical problems. These are all major repairs that should only be made by a professional.

3. Don’t fix appliances

When you’re trying to sell your house, the last thing you want to do is spend a bunch of money fixing or replacing appliances. Stove? Refrigerator? Dishwasher? Those are all expensive items that potential buyers expect to be in working condition.

While it may be tempting to replace an old appliance with a new one, this is not a good idea. First of all, appliances are expensive. Second, potential buyers may not like the style of the new appliance and prefer something different.

It is best to leave the appliances as they are and let the potential buyer decide if they need to be replaced. In most cases, they can tell if an appliance needs to be replaced just by looking at it. And if they do decide they need a new appliance, they can always buy one after they move in.

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While a built-in range is most important to be functional, appliances such as refrigerators or microwaves are not necessary to include in the home sale.

4. Don’t fix anything that is not broken

This may seem like common sense, but you would be surprised how many people try to fix things that are not broken. Just because something is old or outdated doesn’t need to be fixed.

For example, let’s say you have an old bathroom sink starting to yellow. You could replace the sink with a new one, but this is unnecessary. The old sink is still functional, and potential buyers will likely not notice it.

The same goes for outdated light fixtures or cabinet hardware. These are all things that can be easily replaced after the sale. There is no need to spend money fixing them now.

5. Electrical Issues

You might think that fixing a few electrical issues in your home before putting it on the market will make it more attractive to potential buyers. But in reality, most home inspection reports will include a list of minor electrical repairs that need to be made.

So unless you’re an experienced electrician, it’s best to leave electrical repairs to the professionals. Here’s why: Electrical repairs can be dangerous. One wrong move could end up shocking you or starting a fire. And even if you manage to repair without incident, the buyer’s home inspector will likely find some code violations.

This could lead to the deal falling through entirely. So save yourself the trouble and leave electrical repairs to the experts.

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6. Driveway Cracks

While you might think fixing cracks in your driveway will make your home more appealing to potential buyers, it’s not necessary. Driveway cracks are very common, and they can easily be repaired after the sale.

Plus, fixing driveway cracks is a messy and time-consuming job. So unless you’re prepared to do it yourself, it’s best to leave it to the professionals.

7. Fence Repairs

Another common home repair not necessary before selling your home is fixing a broken fence. A broken fence can be an eyesore, but it’s not a deal-breaker for most buyers.

Plus, repairing a fence is usually not a difficult or expensive job. So unless the fence is in danger of falling, it’s best to leave it. The new owner can always repair it after they move in.

In closing, there are a few home repairs that you should not make before selling your house. These include major appliance repairs, electrical repairs, and driveway cracks. While it may be tempting to fix these things, it’s usually unnecessary. The new owner can always repair them after they move in.

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Lori Ballen, REALTOR®

Lori Ballen, Realtor

Hi! I’m Lori Ballen REALTOR®. My team serves the Greater Las Vegas area from Summerlin to Boulder City, and everything in between. You can reach us at 702-604-7739.

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In this blog post, we will explore a fresh perspective on the top ten tips for what NOT to fix when selling a house, focusing on cost-effective ways to create a positive impression on potential buyers without spending a fortune on repairs and renovations.
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Lori Ballen

Top 10 Tips: What NOT to Fix When Selling a House

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