A safe room, also known as a panic room or refuge room, is an area in your house that is usually very small. Saferooms work by providing temporary safety for you and/or your family during dangerous situations
Does the Seller or Real Estate Agent Have to Disclose if someone Died in the Home?
If you are shopping for a home to rent or purchase in Nevada, you may want to recognize particular facts about the home.
The Best Paint for Bathrooms
Before understanding what paint is best for your bathroom walls or ceilings (or even outside!), you must first understand the 3 best types.
How To Find Real Estate Comps
To estimate a value of a house, you need to look at properties that have sold. We call these real estate comps. Here’s How.
What happens to Rents during a Correcting Real Estate Market?
Homeowners weren’t the only ones affected by the real estate bubble and the Great Recession of 208-2009. Renters also felt the shift in the housing market, as well as slight corrections and fluctuations. The relationship between rent prices and home prices may indicate a potential real estate correction, and act as an indicator for investors […]
Home Inspection Checklist: Smart Home Buyer Tools
A home inspection checklist is not provided as a replacement for a home inspector, but rather a complimentary guide to inform the home buyer.